Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I'm all out of words today!

I've been trying to think of something funny or lighthearted to write about following my"deep" post of late. I'm coming up short on that idea, and feeling very heavy. Everywhere I turn these last couple of days, I'm hearing heavy duty life altering stories. Let's see, here's just a few: my aunt's newly found breast cancer has spread to her lymph nodes, my mom's aunt, who is like a mother to her, has been given 4 months to live, an old friend of the family passed away, a pastor's son, whom I went to school with for a time has died in a car accident, the pastor at our church's nephew died last week in Afghanistan, another family friends favorite doctor died in a freak hiking accident !! OH MY GOSH... I 've heard all of this since Sunday afternoon. The bad news just keeps coming in! I've made the mistake of watching the news too..... there has seriously been about 5 children under the age of 5 who have died this last week alone, in our area: 2 drownings, 1 falling out a window, 1 in which a tricycle flipped over onto the toddler and later he died of a damaged liver!! I don't even know what the last one was. I want to just stop answering the phone and reading my email, and watching TV ! Life is really hard, isn't it? We are all trying to cope and function despite the hardest things for us humans to bear. We all have loss. Loss of life, loss of health, loss of money, loss of homes, jobs, pets, respect, hope.... I could go on and on! This is a tough tough world, and I hope for myself to continue finding those ways of coping in a positive way. I hope to pour lots of love onto my family, I hope to find creative things as outlets ( painting, photography,gardening, decorating), I hope to journal more here on my blog, I hope to get together with my friends and talk and laugh, and I hope to grow in my relationship with God to develop a better trust and understanding of Him.

(I hope to use a lot of comedy too... I think I'm going to go rent a funny movie for this evening!! )
Afterall, Laughter is my favorite medicine!!!

1 comment:

richard said...

Jeff Dunham, Spark of insanity is my vote! I almost pee when I watch him!

Sorry to hear about all the sad things lately! Think about all that you are thankful for in your life! Sometimes it seems insignificant compared to some of the pain others have, but it is their pain. Own your happiness and deal with the dissappointment when you have to, not when you think you have to!

If you find yourself dwelling in dark places, you will never see light! Choose happiness and it will find you!

I know, I know easier said than done, but that is my 2 cents anyway!
